i think i might be able to help out Mr. Church, by answering a comon question. Thanks to Kittyphantom, for helping mw with this!
Runescape has what is called The Scale Effect, or something like that...
Runescape isn't just what you see in the game! iractualy has many many many miles of land betwene point A and point B, such as varrock, which is really larger than New York City. The reason they do not make the game as larg as it is written to be is because if it was that large...well, let's say Runescape would be a REALLY massave online Roleplaying Game! i mean, realy, it would be...OVER 9000!
so basicly, runescape is written with miles and miles of Farmland in betwene Taverly and Falador, but Jagex is saving us all the walking. i mean really, there would be, like...a second lumbridge betwene Falador, and even, like...the statue of Saradomin, near the resting spot, hee hee. i hope that clears some up!
15-Oct-2010 00:42:40