Dude, first two pages... How hard is that. It's basic forum knowledge that whenever you join conversation in a hot thread, you always read at least the first three. Simple Etiquette Please.
Also, I think I'm going to keep an eye out for you on the forums. Because if your name still has that Member since May of 2011 next month, EternalFRODO is right (About Everything Ever. I dictate this.), and that's a big +1 for all us Pro-EoCers, in comparison to the Anti-EoCers, who are already losing because they're afraid of change, and buddy? It's a commin'.
Next up.
Well worded. Couldn't have put that first part better myself.
And now,
@Ss The Elf, and all the other "Age Parameter" people...
Are you all illiterate?
There is no strict age restriction, but if you are less than 13 years old, you'll only be able to play in "quick-chat" worlds - that is, instead of chatting freely, you can only select among a list of predefined to communicate with other players.
That was the single most well worded way I could find on google (because I wanted to make sure I had it right [I did*, and because honestly, dignifying this with a response in my own words, honestly feels a smidgeon below me, because retorts to haters is always below someone civil.) to describe this very VERY well defined rule to all of the incredibly Jealous Fanboy/Fangirls here.
Also... Did any of you actually like... Play, back in '04 like you're claiming he joined in, from what he said? Evidently not. In fact, you must all have played for less than... Two to four years? Because the age requirement didn't come around until 2008, or 2010.
Lol, and last, a more pleasant note.
@ optometrist
Lol, come to think of it... I mean, a Humvee I can see... But I dunno, a vehicle with treads? Huh, then again, I don't think they'd really show themselves doing something illegal with near Two Hundred Million witnesses, minus bots. So 25.
Lol, see I can poke fun to, not just counter troll haters.
11-Jul-2012 14:22:20