?stekciT. lol, ot og ot looc eb dluow noC cimoC taht derugif dna TBB hctaw I !ytivitaerc aiv ecnivnoc ll'i sdrow ni uoy ecnivnoc ot gniyrt fo daetsni os esnopser evitaerc a detnaw uoy dias uoy dna daerht **** was tsuj yllaer I <-
I really just saw ***T threadand you said you wanted a creative response so instead of trying to convince you in words i'll convince via creativity! I watch BBT and figured that Comic Con would be cool to go to, lol. Tickets?
I should get two tickets to MCM because ive been loyal and hardworking day and night to achieve salvation hoping one day i could meet one of you guys and maybe that dream may come true this month to meet my maker.
I should get two tickets to MCM because I never got a chance to visit RuneFest Last year. I have been playing since release, Met both Andrew and Paul in RSC And would like a chance to meet the new(er) team!
I should get two tickets to MCM because it's been my dream for two years to join Jagex, and any chance I can get to meet any Jagex employee would help greatly. Although, I don't think I would have enough moneyz for travel and accomedations. Why am I even posting this?!? lolz...
I should get two tickets to MCM because... Well, I'm a poor student-although that's nowhere near a good enough answer, it's a start. I've been playing this marvellous game for several years now-in fact, I can't even remember when I started playing, to be honest. I've always wanted to go to MCM, even before you guys were going to it-this is just a massive bonus. It would be a nice treat for the end of my university exams. I'd get to miss Jedward ruining the Eurovision Song Contest, which is a MASSIVE plus
And I would FINALLY get to visit the capital city of the country (United Kingdom, of course) that I've lived in for my whole life!
Oh, and in case that doesn't swing your opinion in my favour, I'm also quite, quite awesome, so that should help
(Disclaimer: This part of the post is not technically part of my entry-it's just an addendum