The votes have been cast and counted, and our overlord the Evil Chicken has picked his favorite evil depictions of his glorious self for this year's Evil MS Paint competition.
It became apparent fairly early on that many minions were having trouble being constrained to using only Paint, so we have come up with a number of categories to reflect this.
*Drum roll* And the winners are...
OVERALL WINNER (Rubber Chicken winner) - Neo Sub Foxx (only cheated a little bit outside of Paint)
Most dedicated campaign minion (Chicken Hat winner) - Salubrious (With over 12 entries alone!)
Badge and poster winners:
Most Creative - Ela (Our overlord likes his rhymes 'ill' and 'fresh' - like his Evil coleslaw.)
The Art Critic Jacques award for fine art - Colta (Can't argue with perfection!)
Best dressed - Inubeast (Most representative of how devilishly handsome our glorious leader truly is!)
Best 'Evil Chicken as wrestler' - Trooper Pyro (After the Evil Chicken's brief stint on the Mexican wrestling scene as 'el pollo peligroso')
Best sabotage/defacement of Chocotrice campaign - DieHunted (Making Mod Paul M cry)
Best propaganda poster - Soth TheWolf (Viva la Evil Chicken revolution!)
...and an extra-special mention for Mod Daezhun's 'must try harder' award - Aussie_Caleb
Winners will be contacted by your in-game mailbox - we will then get the prizes winging their way over to you on the back of an Evil Courier Chicken!
Thank you so much to everyone that entered an image and supported the Evil Chicken campaign, it has been great seeing the inner-workings of the mind of an average ‘RuneScaper’, and has given us many a laugh along the way! Don’t be discouraged if your image wasn’t picked, our glorious overlord appreciates evil beauty in all its forms.
Oh and don’t forget to check out the full list of the entries on the competition thread here: Quick find code: 254-255-166-63684261
It became apparent fairly early on that many minions were having trouble being constrained to using only Paint, so we have come up with a number of categories to reflect this.
*Drum roll* And the winners are...
OVERALL WINNER (Rubber Chicken winner) - Neo Sub Foxx (only cheated a little bit outside of Paint)

Most dedicated campaign minion (Chicken Hat winner) - Salubrious (With over 12 entries alone!)

Badge and poster winners:
Most Creative - Ela (Our overlord likes his rhymes 'ill' and 'fresh' - like his Evil coleslaw.)

The Art Critic Jacques award for fine art - Colta (Can't argue with perfection!)

Best dressed - Inubeast (Most representative of how devilishly handsome our glorious leader truly is!)

Best 'Evil Chicken as wrestler' - Trooper Pyro (After the Evil Chicken's brief stint on the Mexican wrestling scene as 'el pollo peligroso')

Best sabotage/defacement of Chocotrice campaign - DieHunted (Making Mod Paul M cry)

Best propaganda poster - Soth TheWolf (Viva la Evil Chicken revolution!)

...and an extra-special mention for Mod Daezhun's 'must try harder' award - Aussie_Caleb

Winners will be contacted by your in-game mailbox - we will then get the prizes winging their way over to you on the back of an Evil Courier Chicken!
Thank you so much to everyone that entered an image and supported the Evil Chicken campaign, it has been great seeing the inner-workings of the mind of an average ‘RuneScaper’, and has given us many a laugh along the way! Don’t be discouraged if your image wasn’t picked, our glorious overlord appreciates evil beauty in all its forms.
Oh and don’t forget to check out the full list of the entries on the competition thread here: Quick find code: 254-255-166-63684261
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18-Apr-2012 03:37:01 - Last edited on 18-Apr-2012 09:01:21 by Mod Kathy