Only 20 mins left to get those last few entries in! It's awesome to see all the great stuff sent in over the weekend, thanks so much to everyone taking part!
Mod Sabre, i know this is a late idea, but Evil Chicken wanted something truely evil to do to Mod Paul M if he loses, after he gets in the bunny outfit, either do 1 of 2 things, a frilly super girly pink or purple skirt, or a full like ballgown w/ otu teh shoes and ear rings and hair making.
The winners have been announced!
Check out the full list of winners on the dedicated thread here! QFC: 254-255-167-63690610
Thanks again to everyone who entered and supported the campaign for Evil Chicken 2012, our glorious evil overlord is proud of each and every one of you.
Well, he would be if you were not all pitiful humans.