Not sure where to send this message, please hear me out.
I must say that the level of people using bot programs fighting blue dragons in the heroes guild cage is out of control, after talking to them,offer a trade and i get no response i report them but then i see them doing this again later.
It seems as you guys don't really take this seriously but maybe i am wrong, people using bots are not hard to spot, a player named "hiduda" a level 128 was wearing black platebody and dragon legs and a regular anti dragon shield,this is the common look for a bot.
I report a lot because i work hard and i care for runescape and those that play fair, it makes me feel a little sad to see this happen.
I was wondering how do you review reports and how you determine who is a violator?
Anyhow i will do my part, i have enjoyed your game for about 5 years now off and on
and hope i have been an asset to your efforts to clean up the riffraff.
31-Mar-2012 05:59:46