Dragon Spine
"Do you guys want a separate MP3 for each line? Or just one big one?"
Either is fine.
"Also, how high of bitrate?"
LAME presets V0, V1 or V2 should be fine. V3 or below may still be OK but higher is probably better.
"is FLAC an acceptable format?"
We should be able to take it but it's probably overkill. A decent MP3 will be easily good enough (they'll all be getting further transcoded anyway).
"44100 or 48000?"
Again 48K is probably more than we need, I would say 44.1 would be fine.
"Can we use voice modulators or adjust pitch in our recording?"
Don't see why not but if it really makes the end result sound very obviously processed then it may not fit with the overall vibe. Maybe send a dry file as well as the wet one?
14-Feb-2012 12:43:00