(if this is allowed im putting a small poem in too)
In the middle of the night,
the people of Gleinor shall wake up to their delight,
To find a cupcake beside their bed,
And a mod who might have lost their head.
"Be quiet, before I sike my cupcake army after you"
"If you are quiet, i'll share my delicious treasure with you"
"You'll have to guess what these cupcakes are made of. Mwhahahahha"
"I accidently glued my finger to this mask while staring at these cupcakes"
"Find out who I am before the party is over and i'll give you a cupcake"
last one:
"Shhh dont tell the other Mods that I am hiding here with the cupcakes"
06-Feb-2012 03:36:39