Another nice bit of news. Happy New Year to everyone!
All that Red Bull and ham gave me a heart attack just looking at it. Now I'm craving Red Bull and ham. Damn!
Markg, I sympathize. Chocolate is my kryptonite >.<
Nice one, Mod Sabre! I too celebrated the coming of 2012 with a bang... Such a bang that I lost my glasses and was virtually blind for 3 days! Yay, me! I have my sight back now, but it was hairy (and rather fuzzy) for a while. :p
Mod Mark, any chance of seeing your 1 act play performed at a citadel theatre near us upon it's completion? I for one would like to see a show performed with flair!
As to New Years resolutions... I intend to play less RuneScape (Gasp! Shock! Horror!) and actually make use of the gym membership I'm paying for. I also intend to get a job doing something geeky (looking into Pharmaceutical Tech atm) or at least volunteering to get me out of the house. Agoraphobia is bad, m'kay?!
Happy New Year, and may all your resolutions come to ripe fruition.
04-Jan-2012 16:03:21
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04-Jan-2012 16:03:57
Insane Vane
Winner - Ice Reaper
"Who knew Party Pete was a brony?"
All of my internets.
Silly Pete, that's not Pinkie Pie the Party Pony.
04-Jan-2012 16:35:54
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04-Jan-2012 16:54:00
Daniel Ketch
See the girl in the Santa outfit, tome of frost, and green team cape running in the mudskipper point picture? That's me hahaha
No WTZ again
Better get busy with caption competition and quiz quest