Mod Sabre's New Year(s)
Mod Sabre's Next Destination
Sun 04:00
Canada and 24 more!
Draynor Manor
(Sorry everyone, after Sabre left I said it would probably be Draynor Market, but its the Manor - my bad. I blame .. ummm .... er ... I blame Seuss phd, just because :p )
Spirits of Arianwyn
| @Rae_Aus
hmmph , I can read ya know Rae! :p
So be seeing you soooon again Mod Sabre.
“You're off to Great Places! Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting, So... get on your way!”
Dr. Seuss,
I'm not driving don't worry! I'm crashing at the house of some of my old team mates in Player support. See how nice and helpful they are?
Oh and when i say crash, I mean probably fall asleep in their driveway.