"Dude, get it right this time. Last time you made me look like a cat, also this pen doesn't even look like a Rune scimitar and where you got that emerald ammy and shield from I don't know."
The caption should be 'Thinking of what the Christmas event reward should be'. The Mod on left says "It think the reward can be a sweet which heals 10000 Health". Mod on right says " Mhm noted on the list"
Mod Zach: Okay... Put your diary down and listen to me.
Mod MarkG: It's a notebook! NOTEBOOK!
Mod Zach: Anyway, you know how we did "go green for halloween"?
Mod MarkG: I swear it's a notebook! it even says it on the fro..
Mod Zach: Back to the point please! Im thinking to add... The addition of the kitty race
Mod MarkG: C'mon my mom even told me it's a notebook!!!
Left mod: "So You're saying that this is a genuine Monet picture? (That guy must have been psychic!)"
"Why don't we skip the mousetrap calendars this year and just give everyone a cat?"
My existence is debatable, but likely.