Crow is your congratulation phare '' done?'' licensed? If not you'll better hurry to do so! Not that i'd steal it from you, but-*odd herbal liquid seems to has messed up da rest what?*
"Winning entry:
"Okay, step 1 was spend half the development budget on advent calendars. What was step 2 again?" -Letajera
Notable entries
Cherrycake4 "What part of 'I hate Christmas' did you not understand?"
MemoriesLost "And then it hit me... We need more silly hats!"
12plm "It’s simple. We kill the Santa Claus.” "
All good ones!
Congratulations to you all.
Spirits of Arianwyn
| @Rae_Aus
"WooHoo, I won!
Sorry, I'm fairly new at this, what is store credit? Is there a shop with t-shirts and stuff or something?"
Congratulations! Yes, there is a
RuneScape Store
where you can buy T Shirts and other things of wonderous joy! We'll send you a voucher for the store that will give you £30 of credit to spend on whatever you like!
-Mod Crow