Guy on left: "I just checked my list for Santa and not one of these things were on it..."
Guy on right: " None of it was on mine either, Santa works in mysterious ways.."
Guy in back: "Muahahaha! stage one of Christmas takeover complete! Now I must continue watching my computer screen to make it look like I am up to nothing suspicious."
epic caption:
on the right: soo what's ur idea for christmas..
on the left: we should make the christmas event about gift someuthing epic.
on the right: like..
on the left:i dunno.
on the right: *sigh* were screwed.
If we can bring back the wilderness after saying never, bring back free trade after saying never then we sure as hell can bring back tradeable holiday items and save us from wrapping all these presents!
"Scribe! Write down these words! Today the almighty cat hath bestowed upon myself the wisdom of a thousand ages. His majesty wishes for more candy to be brought to him as an offering worthy of his consumption. Send out the request of the almighty cat to all the people that dwell in these fair lands."