Mod Markg: "Let me get this straight. Exactly WHAT did you say the elf did...?!"
Mod Zach: "He ate Santa's favorite cookies."
Mod Markg: "Ehh... Naughty List. Check."
*scribbles down in notebook*
Mod Zach: "Fine by me. Although... if you want, I could just deduct it from his salary. I've already got out his profile, see..."
Mod Markg: "Are you kidding? These are Santa's favorite cookies we're talking about. Heck, let's put him on the Naughty List AND deduct his payroll!"
Mod Zach: "Okay."
*jots a note down*
19-Dec-2011 05:49:50
- Last edited on
19-Dec-2011 05:51:02