"Mod Markg glares at Mod Zach as he inquires as to what exactly Jagex will do with this ridiculous surplus of festive goodies."
Mod Markg says ... "Oh my geez, what IS that hideous thing on your head?"
Mod Zach: SMH.
"Business at Jagex during this festive season? What is this?"
Mod Markg: "Why the Guthix did Mod Emilee decide that we needed these hats to display our festive cheer to customers, when we manage an online game..?"
~ Alan ~
Mod Markg: "I think it's about time we brought back the old scimitar look, or at least have it be customizable."
Mod Zach: "Now you're just adding another thing to the to do list" *Shakes head with anger.*
Mod Markg: "Really!? You can't do this one thing for me, considering you gave me a moldy sandwich for Christmas last year?"
Mod Markg and Mod Zach discuss an update that will allow players to digitize real items into the game...just in time for Christmas!
16-Dec-2011 17:50:13
- Last edited on
18-Dec-2011 17:41:21
Sir Simple
Guy on left: "Hey louigi! how-a many times-a i tell you dis? Maybe you-a not-a mod-a?"
Guy on right: "Sorry Don Mark-a! i was-a thinkin-ga about them-a christmas cracker-sa! dey-s so bi-ga!"
Guy on left: *lifts hand and puts on the wired face* "Mama mia!"