I barely play now since I was dehumanized when I was told by Jagex that I am not a real player when they stated the frost dragon nerf wouldn't affect REAL players. Well it destroyed the way I play RS and there is no reasonable way to make money with the way I play RS. Due to this I am not actively trying to complete my Nex set.
I was also severely disappointed there was no Master Jack of Trades aura.
Perhaps if I won I might be motivated to return.
i dont know if u gonna read this post jagex but if u do then read this=im proud of you that you finnally gave free players a chance to get an in-game/non members item thats not redeemed from a game card,so go through with this and dont make the mistake you did with the golden scythe.
toolbelt=never thought this would ever come but pretty handy
money pouch=i always wounted a sort of way to get money with you without having it in your inventory=very handy