Awee Mod Timboooo, why do you have that Crunk (god im too young to be using that word, I belive it means cool or awesome) spiders head for your Display Picture.
((ps, my friend has been trying to do the quest Spirit of Summer and he is at the stone disk part but when he went to do them, there was no disks, not even the stone disk for the wolf, can you please notify your fellow Jmods that work in the bug area to fix this part please because my friend really wants to finish this quest and go on to the next one and he cant because of this bug/glitch. Please get it fixed, there is even a thread about this bug and we been trying to contact one of yall to fix it and it has not been fixed yet.
Ze Mod Crow ducttaper.
(ps to mod crow, kathy, timbo, french, and poppy, have a merry Christmas and happy Hanaukha)
19-Dec-2011 18:30:58