I was impressed with Mod Mat K's 'come at me bro' but 27 floors in endurance mode? Shouldn't he be forced to do a real attempt and do it quicker?
For the record, I've done 167 floors in endurance mode without a familiar nor ice gloves, wearing bandos with rapier, carrying ancient dhide + ccb, not bringing ice gloves (and remembering to bring a dfs because it was just a good idea with dhide for the bosses where you want to pray melee).
I beat the crush golem, the hot brother and the hotcake culinairomancer food barehanded repeatedly, without even using supplies. The only boss that made me eat was the toktz-ket-dill.
After the 165th floor I stopped earning dominion factor so I didn't see a reason to continue...
05-Nov-2011 11:47:27