when i first saw this thread and its posts, i didnt know whether to lol, i have lead and been a part of the best **ming communities in rs (ofthegods and pride in domination). Your basing your opinion of woox on videos, cool i can solo bandos in bronze or solo corp with bronze spear after swh'ing it 100x before band, he does the things no1 else can be bothered to do because its inneficient. He Bug abused solo nex, i dont care how you make it out, you said nex would be un-soloable and when the safespot was found and shown in videos it was quickly removed, showing the solo method was an unitentional glitch. Whatever really, show favouritism because someone promotes your game positively for you, i can understand why though, not many people can make positive statements about it nowadays
02-Nov-2011 17:53:16