Oh my, it's Mod Crow... Interesting. Very interesting... Mwuahahahahahaaaa... Things we know about Mod Crow...
"Wizard Traiborn was supposed to be here with the eagles..."
"Sometimes, lightning from your fingertips isn't going to solve the problem, but a nice iron putter will."
"Mod Crow, in the Garden, with the Putting Iron."
"Face. Plant. Faceplant."
"Why you can never trust a Reaver."
"It's more comfy than a bed of nails."
"If a 'tree' falls down in the middle of the forest and I'm the only witness around to see it..."
"Should of used the shovel, would of been more useful to bury the body."
"In scaperune, shades burn your remains."
27-Aug-2011 02:57:46