I like the Runescape Youtube channel.
It's pretty decent, also you get to learn about some of the J-Mods.
Also, Congratulations on the Youtube Partnership.
I don't know if you got it recently, but I just noticed.
Old Display Name: Sweep619 & Sweepy
So, do Jagex have any protection over allowing players to visit off sites which they got no control over and then take the blame if anything happens with people try to meet them in real? I thought advertising other sites was against the rules and now their breaking their own rule?
I was really disappointed in the winners of the Runescape Golden Gnomes Live Action Music video. In the original video explaining the rules, it was clearly stated it was to be Real People Acting in the Real world.The winners had well over 50% of completely runescape based content. This just upset me as I entered this category with a complete live action Music video. I'm not trying to say I deserved to win at all, I do think there were other videos more deserving than mine, that also used only real people. I just think it was kind of unfair that the two winners were no where near being mostly real life footage. Just letting my opinion out.