The Kinshra Knights

Welcome to the Kinshra Knights roleplay group
. The black armor wearing baddies from Asgarnia are back in the spotlights once more in another take on the groups' themes. With a casual schedule and a creative approach regarding the server's low player population
we still hope to together create:
• Development of a Kinshra character as you interact with the groups' members.
• Interaction between the kingdoms of World 42 and the Kinshra .
• Enjoyment of the Zamorakian and antagonistic themes the Kinshra are all about.
And of course many other things you can think of that would make for a good and fun Kinshra narrative. You can read all the information you need to join the group here but don't be afraid to ask questions if you have any.
Friends Chat: None in use atm.
World: 42
Thread Content:
Stuff you need to know before getting involved
• Types of roleplay that involve Kinshra
• General pointers for your joining character
• The Lords and Ladies
• Becoming a Kinshra
Staying updated
• Upcoming events
• Kinshra Status and Recent News
Detailed information
• Areas of Influence
• Miltairy bases
• Diplomacy
Quickly learn how to Roleplay on RuneScape!
I am bad and that's good, I will never be good and that's not bad, there's no one I'd rather be than me.
11-Nov-2018 11:27:50 - Last edited on 31-Jul-2022 07:04:48 by CrocoNuts