I’m not even going to bother rebutting Pyro trying to pretend that he hasn’t actively broken the most basic rules of RSRP since, like, forever.
What I WILL say, though, is that the thought that literally one person involved in the rebel side of that battle having an active Kandarin character being done elaborate scheme to oust Pyro is... something. Chalking it up to literally anything other than multiclanning in a very small community is stupidity at best and active strawmanning at worst. I truly, genuinely, do not understand where this claim is coming from. I, and many others who attended/spectated the event can confirm that literally only ONE rebel participant also rped in Kandarin. One. I don’t understand if this was some weird ploy to get out of losing a battle or something, but blaming everything on this Kandarin boogeyman is weird. Like, seriously weird. If you are genuinely paranoid about some elaborate ooc plot on Kandarin’s end to oust Lord_Pyro_Eye because one person was multiclanning, I’m actually sorry for you.
Also, while i’m here: Panera was the only one to cross the river in armor, and he was promptly ignored by both sides who agreed that it was dumb as hell. 2. There were no Kandar forces in the invasion, so... Nothing should’ve been shipped in? Lmao. 3. While I hate to get into this because I feel like it’s something that maybe one person said being held as the group standard, it’s literally 100% feasible that rebels wouldn’t want their homeland to be in turmoil any longer than it would need to be??
04-Jul-2019 20:45:34