
The City-State of Yanille

Quick find code: 237-238-913-65950546

Howl Aren

Howl Aren

Posts: 460 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Diplomacy & Relationships

The Kingdom of Arenvale - Friendly, led by Queen Vynriette Aren.

The Kingdom of Kandarin - Friendly, led by High King Axel Vekon IV.

The White Knight Order - Friendly, led by Partisian Lorne.

Guardians of Armadyl - Friendly, led by Lord Marshall Lukani.

Tribes of Relleka - Friendly, led by Chieftan Rilkir Stonebreaker.
Kingdom of Hynafiaid - Neutral, led by the Hynafiaid Council.

The Myreque - Neutral, led by Calsidiu, though Misaldi Icau is their acting commander for now.

Kingdom of Misthalin - Neutral, led by Lord Protector Robyn Lysiar.

Caliph of Kharidia - Neutral, led by Caliph-Pharaoh Tumuh Khalam-Dae.

Kingdom of Camelot - Neutral, led by King Xel Praven.

The Sword-Point Coalition - Neutral, led by Captain Tamitha C. Volt.
The Lands of Morytania - Hostile, Through out the past three ages the Pacem Order has fought against the Vampyre Covens of Morytania. This is known by The Fall of Hallowvale, The Morytania Campaign, The Misthalin-Morytania War, and the latest in the Fifth Age when Izaya Spero led six warpriests to the Lordship of the North Coast in order to try and defend it.

Zamorakian Council - Hostile, due to the various Zamorakian-Saradominist wars through out the ages, The Pacem Order is at odds with the agents of chaos.

Kingdom of Forinthry - Hostile, due to the various Zamorakian-Saradominist wars through out the ages, The Pacem Order is at odds with the agents of chaos.

The Kinshra - Hostile, the Pacem Order aided in the defending of Falador at the end of the War of 164.

Goblin Tribes - Hostile, the Pacem Order does not agree with the blood lust doctrine of Bandosian tribes.
We might've just created something very powerful, something that can change the world.
The Last of the Aren's.

18-Sep-2017 18:02:53 - Last edited on 22-Sep-2017 05:51:39 by Howl Aren

Howl Aren

Howl Aren

Posts: 460 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

1. Any crimes of theft, vandalism of property, or assault on another citizen will be handled accordingly. The perpetrators will be placed in jail.

2. Those who take the life of someone else, will be killed in return. Public Execution will be held.

3. Fifteen percent of citizen's wages must go to taxes. Noble Houses will be taxed twenty percent as they are wealthier.

4. Vigilantiasm or Taking matters into your own hands is outlawed and will be handled accordingly. Perpetrators will be placed in jail.

5. Free worship of any god is available in the City-State of Yanille.

6. Free speech is available in the City-State of Yanille.

7. If a protest is held and is obscuring justice, disturbing the peace, or is an obstacle to the law. The riot will be put down accordingly and the perpetrators placed in jail.

8. The free practice of any types of magic are available in the City-State of Yanille, with the exception of Necromancy. Though specifics for the dark art is, one cannot practice Necromancy on people, the dead stay dead. They may practice on animals and livestock that have died either to natural causes or for food reasons.

9. In the event of an attack on the City, citizens will be evacuated accordingly and in the safest way possible.

10. Free carry of weapons is available in the City-State of Yanille, except for in the Yanille Bank.
We might've just created something very powerful, something that can change the world.
The Last of the Aren's.

18-Sep-2017 18:03:01 - Last edited on 18-Sep-2017 19:19:38 by Howl Aren

Howl Aren

Howl Aren

Posts: 460 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Justice System

The Yanillian Court - For those who have committed any crime other than murder, they will be placed in jail but may receive bond if a family member or their lawyer has enough gold. They will still be held on trial in front of a jury. The Defendant may plea Innocent, Guilty, or No Contest.

No Contest - Pleading no contest doesn’t mean a defendant is free to walk away. Legally speaking, a no contest plea has the same effect as a guilty plea or a conviction when it comes to sentencing. So just because you’re pleading no contest and avoiding the hassle of a trial, don’t necessarily expect the judge to be lenient. This may include jail time, service to the city, or probation.

Guilty - Pleading Guilty means, the prosecution and defense will arrange a court hearing and inform the judge about the agreement. Assuming the judge accepts the deal or suggests changes that are satisfactory to both sides, the judge will hear the guilty or no contest plea in open court so that it becomes part of the record. Then, the defendant will be sentenced, either at the same time or at a later sentencing hearing. This may include jail time, service to the city, or probation.

Innocent - If you plead not guilty, you are disagreeing that you committed the offence that you have been charged with or that you agree that you committed the offence, but you believe you have a valid defense. You will be held a trial in the Yanillian Court with a judge, jury, and prosecutor. Though the defendant may bring someone to represent them in their case.

Death Sentence - Perpetrators will usually not receive this punishment unless they have killed a Yanillian citizen, or have been practicing Necromancy on people. A public execution will be held in the event that this done happen.
We might've just created something very powerful, something that can change the world.
The Last of the Aren's.

18-Sep-2017 18:03:09 - Last edited on 18-Sep-2017 19:30:14 by Howl Aren

Howl Aren

Howl Aren

Posts: 460 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lands Owned

The City of Yanille - The City-State of Yanille is ran by Duke Solus Spero, where they have had economic success under his leadership. The City of Yanille is large enough to hold 20,000 people in total.

Fishing Pier on the Eastern Coast - Outside of the City walls, there resides an old gnome who lives in a tree house. Duke Solus and he have made an agreement that in return for protection from the City, his fishermen can fish off of his house, having made it into a makeshift fishing pier.

Small Plots of Farming Land outside the Southern Wall - Outside the southern wall, this where the food and industry crops are grown.

Forests to the North, West, and North West - Used mainly for the refining of lumber, it is used for the building of militia ships, and perhaps warships if the City can gather the coin and lumber.
We might've just created something very powerful, something that can change the world.
The Last of the Aren's.

18-Sep-2017 18:03:16 - Last edited on 20-Sep-2017 03:29:49 by Howl Aren

Howl Aren

Howl Aren

Posts: 460 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Yanille Guard Uniforms & Ranks

Private - The grunts of the Yanillian militia force, they are the infantry that are the first to go into battle. Equipped with steel chain body, steel plate skirt, steel medium helmet, and a standard issued steel sword and kite or square shield.

Lieutenant - The second in commands of the Yanillian militia, they are allowed to command squadrons and battallions of infantry, and aid in the devising of battle plans. Equipped with steel plate body, steel plate legs or plate skirt, steel full helmet, and a standard issued steel sword and kite or square shield.

Captain - The Captain of the Yanillian militia and guardsmen, he is the person who commands the entire militia force, the guards patrols, and enforces the laws of Yanille. He may wear any armor he wish so chooses, but must wear his badge declaring that he is the Captain.
We might've just created something very powerful, something that can change the world.
The Last of the Aren's.

18-Sep-2017 18:03:46 - Last edited on 19-Sep-2017 00:18:45 by Howl Aren

Howl Aren

Howl Aren

Posts: 460 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Yanillian Militia Strength

Privates - 1,447 Infantry men.

Lieutenants - 2 Second in Commands.

Captain - 1 Militia Commander.

Militia Ships - 5 Militia Ships. Able to hold around 50 to 100 soldiers at a time along with any cargo such as food, weapons, and armor they may need for the trip. They are equipped with small cannons as their only defense.
We might've just created something very powerful, something that can change the world.
The Last of the Aren's.

18-Sep-2017 18:04:12 - Last edited on 08-Oct-2017 02:59:28 by Howl Aren

Howl Aren

Howl Aren

Posts: 460 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Resources and Income

Agriculture Industry - Small plots and patches of land are used outside of the southern wall and to the north of the Ogre stronghold, Gu'tunaoth to grow food and industry crops, this entails; Wheat, Potatoes, Barley, Yanillian Hop, Flax, and Onions.

Fishing Industry - Utilizing the eastern and south eastern coast that the City-State borders, fishermen are having a field day with the amount of shrimp, cod, and tuna they're bringing into the City for food and for profit.

Forestation - In order to build the Militia Ships for the Militia, lumberjacks have been hired to clear certain sects of trees to the north, north west, and west of the City. Though careful as to not traverse too far into Ogre lands, the lumberjacks are required to plant the seeds of the trees as they deforest certain plots of land. Providing the City with a source of lumber.

Shops - The Archery Store sells quite well for traveling adventurers and mercenaries that require arrows, bolts, crossbows, and bows. Though the Pet Store is more residential, they provide a significant source of income for the City-State as the hunters of Fedlip Hills are always looking to raise hunting dogs. The local pub always provides a good amount of coin as well, due to the farmers, fishermen, and lumberjacks always grabbing a cold ale after a long days work.

Total Income - Around 800,000 to 1,500,000 gold coins per month.

Total Amount in Treasury - 11,000,000 gold coins.
We might've just created something very powerful, something that can change the world.
The Last of the Aren's.

18-Sep-2017 18:04:36 - Last edited on 27-Oct-2017 19:59:00 by Howl Aren

Howl Aren

Howl Aren

Posts: 460 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Occupations & Jobs

Farmers - The backbone of the agriculture industry for Yanille. They tend to the food and industry crops outside of the southern wall, raising the crops on small plots of land. They are processed in the eastern side of the Mill and are distributed among citizens and the surplus is sold for profit. Starting pay: 25 gold an hour.

Fishermen - Teach a man to fish, and he can feed his family for a life time. These men utilize the available eastern coast that the City-State borders, bringing in a supply of cod, tuna, shrimp, and any other type of fish they can provide. They fish are processed in the western side of the Mill, where they are fileted, and the meat and fish oil is extracted for use. The bones and scales are sold if they can be. Starting pay: 15 gold an hour.

Lumberjacks - The men who chop down trees, they haul the wood to the upper level of the Mill to be sawed down and refined into lumber for use in construction, and the building of warships. Starting pay: 20 gold an hour.

Mill Workers - The men and women who refine our raw resources into useable materials, such as lumber, food, and oil for lamps. Starting pay: 10 gold an hour.

Shopkeepers - The men and women who own the Archery and Pet stores, and any other merchants who are willing to open a market stall within the City. Their pay is fairly decent, though if they have a shop assistant they must pay their wage as well. Starting pay: 20 gold an hour.

Militia Privates - The front line of the Yanillian Militia, they are the infantry men who are first in the line of battle, and the ones who take different shifts patrolling the City inside and out. Starting pay: 25 gold an hour.

Militia Lieutenants - The second in command on the Yanillian Militia, they advise the Captain and help make the patrol schedule for the City, they can also command small squadrons of privates. Starting pay: 35 gold an hour.
We might've just created something very powerful, something that can change the world.
The Last of the Aren's.

18-Sep-2017 18:05:02 - Last edited on 19-Sep-2017 19:48:28 by Howl Aren

Howl Aren

Howl Aren

Posts: 460 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Occupations & Jobs cont.

Militia Captain - The man in charge of overseeing that the patrols go smoothly, and devises the battle plans for war campaigns. They are allowed to command any of those within the militia, and are allowed use of the ships. Starting pay: 45 gold an hour.

Ship Captains - Those who use the militia ships to run trade routes between the Kingdoms, delivering and receiving resources. Starting pay: 30 gold an hour.

Construction Workers - The strong men who fix residents houses, and any breaches in the City's walls. Starting pay: 30 gold an hour.

Bankers - The ones who oversee the treasury and finances of the City-State, the City has been prosperous in the profit margin as of late. Starting pay: 30 gold an hour.

Teachers for the A.A.I. - The City-State of Yanille has allowed House Aren to re establish the Aren Arcane Institute within their walls, the Wizard's Guild providing a home for that purpose. The Institute can always use helping hands and teachers though. Starting pay: 35 gold an hour.

Militia Battlemages - Those who serve the militia with their prowess in the arcane arts, they are held at a different rank than those of the melee militia soldiers. The battlemages are usually put on reserve until needed. Starting pay: 30 gold an hour.
We might've just created something very powerful, something that can change the world.
The Last of the Aren's.

18-Sep-2017 18:05:41 - Last edited on 22-Sep-2017 05:43:55 by Howl Aren

Howl Aren

Howl Aren

Posts: 460 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Council of Six

Chief Warpriest - This position is tasked with training the monks in the art of hand to hand combat as well as the basics of magic. They lead any military campaigns launched by the order, and command what militants the order does have. This position is vacant.

Lord/Lady Curator - This position is tasked with the keeping of all legal documents for the order; births, deaths, treaties, trade agreements, and such. They also are the loremaster for the order and are tasked with preserving all knowledge gained. This position is vacant.

Lord/Lady Keeper - This position is tasked with the burial rites for the members of the order, the embalming of their bodies, and preserving the knowledge of the dead Spero. This position is vacant.

Lord/Lady Ambassador - This position is tasked with establishing relationships with other groups that align with the order's goals. They also are the ones who establish the trade agreements and purchasing of land, but not without the consent of the council. This position is held by Jewell Spero.

High Priest/Priestess - This position is tasked with the spiritual guidance and teachings of the order. Teaching the monks the ways of Saradominism, they also hold the ascension trials when the members of the order come of age. This position is held by Sindor'ler Hefin-Spero.

Herbmaster/Herbmistress - This position is tasked with the collection of spiritual and medicinal herbs. Due to the order not practicing the darker forms of magic, they cannot use blood magic to heal themselves, and instead use herbs and potions. This position is vacant.

Grand Advisor - This position is tasked with being the 'second-in-command.' Though they hold no more power than the other council members, they are the personal advisor for the Grandmaster and are the voice of reason within the order. This position is vacant.
We might've just created something very powerful, something that can change the world.
The Last of the Aren's.

18-Sep-2017 18:06:15 - Last edited on 19-Sep-2017 21:49:34 by Howl Aren

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