
The Godless Thread is locked

Quick find code: 237-238-895-65155377

Ptolemy Dean

Ptolemy Dean

Posts: 4,044 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

User Name: Ptolemos

Character's Name: Rosaline Haines

Character's Age: 32

Character's Race: Human

Character's appearance: Wiry, tan, blue eyes, dragon hide armor over padded clothes.

Preferred class as Soldier: Warrior

RP Experience: 8

Jobs: None

Have you followed any Gods? Yes, Zamorak.

Why are you joining the Godless? She abandoned her god to follow her a new master, one who supported the Godless. Now without his guidance she's looking for a purpose.

Timezone (Optional): Central Standard Time

Any extra information: nu

Are you joining clan or guesting? Joined.
"Ptolemos, the friendly, informative Mahjarrat."
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Role-player and proud owner of eleven Capes of Accomplishment.

17-Jul-2014 04:05:37

Mr Maou

Mr Maou

Posts: 205 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
User Name: Ezekeial

Character's Name: Ezekeial or Zeke the elf

Character's Age: 17 elf years. (roughly 204 human years)

Character's Race: Elf, of the Imrahil clan.

Character's appearance: Stands 6 feet 3 inches tall. Dark black hair, toned body, black pupils. Clothing changes constantly. Often followed by Sara, his blue owl. Used to scout ahead or deliver messages.

Preferred class as Soldier: Warrior - What i lack in combat experience i can make up with speed and reach. Preferred weapon is dual wielding swords. Always carries 20 poisoned tipped darts in pouch.

RP Experience: 5

Jobs: (what job would you like from the list? If none, please state so.) I'd love to be a scout. i'm fast, smart, and my clan specialized in guerrilla warfare. I'd also would like to be a diviner when not scouting. I've already acquired a bit of knowledge on said subject.

Have you followed any Gods? If yes, please state who. No.

Why are you joining the Godless? If answered yes to the question above, include why you stopped following. To free the world from the gods. They've used our world as a battlefield for far too long. We should not have to pay for their battles.

Timezone (Optional): Central US.

Any extra information: Ezekeial lived in his clan village till he was 15. Learning the ways of his clan from his father and mother. Father focused on combat, agility, archery. while mother focused on other skills like herbalist, diviner, farmer.

Zeke received sara the owl as a parting gift. The two have traveled together for almost 15 human years. Zeke braved the underground pass, he wasn't gonna let said obstacle restrict him from exploring the open world.

When Zeke is among friends his attitude is relaxed, joyful, and calm. When he's surrounded by strangers he's on alert, attentive, focused, wary. Zeke likes to plans his battles. always analyzing the moves by his opponents, paying attention to every detail.

Are you joining clan or guesting? Joining.

18-Jul-2014 02:18:41 - Last edited on 18-Jul-2014 23:29:16 by Mr Maou

Jul Member 2014


Posts: 9 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
User Name: Mystagan*

Character's Name: Mystagan*

Character's Age: 24

Character's Race: Human

Character's appearance: Tall Male, 6' 11", Keeps his face shrouded with a mask and keeps the garbs of an assassin on at all times

Preferred class as Soldier: Mage but can use a sword if the situation demands it

** Experience: (1 out of 10 how good are you?)

Jobs: (what job would you like from the list? If none, please state so.)
Scout due to his ability to use forbidden and forgotten magicks to make sure plans go smoothly.

Have you followed any Gods? If yes, please state who.
Mystagank was a follower of Zaros, due to Mystagank's inclination to learn about the unknown., before the Guthix incident where he denounced his belief in gods after Sliske's acts.

Why are you joining the Godless? If answered yes to the question above, include why you stopped following.
Mystagank dropped his beliefs after Guthix's murder and witnessing the gods at Sliske's meeting, realizing that no gods are worthy of having humans follow them and that humans have the power to shape their own fates and weave their destinies.

Timezone (Optional): No idea

Any extra information:
Mystagank came from a different plane from Gaelenor and likes to keep his appearance hidden. His talents in battle are astonishing for man of his age, known to have taken down a camp of Elven warriors by himself whilst under a contract but when facing against other heroes of the realm he cannot fight as well. He used to be part of a guild of Assassins before he realized that the pay was not worth the pain he caused.
Are you joining clan or guesting?

20-Jul-2014 18:58:12 - Last edited on 20-Jul-2014 19:04:44 by GingrMingr

Doc Doctor

Doc Doctor

Posts: 3,925 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
User Name: Dr Amalarik

Character's Name: Leopoldo "Dodgeman" Fritz

Character's Age: 29

Character's Race: Human

Character's appearance: A long and gangly fellow, thin of limbs and sharp of tongue. His hair is dyed pink, and he usually wears a tight garb similar to the costumes that clowns and jesters wear.

Preferred class as Soldier: Ranger

RP Experience: 9

Jobs: Scout/guard

Have you followed any Gods? Nope.

Why are you joining the Godless? To get in on some action.

Any extra information: Though quite rude, Leopoldo is a born henchman of unwavering loyalty.

Timezone (Optional): Est

Are you joining clan or guesting? Guesting

if you are guesting, please name the clan you are in: Beardhold.
“Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.”

21-Jul-2014 17:43:39 - Last edited on 21-Jul-2014 17:50:23 by Doc Doctor

Mar Member 2010


Posts: 157 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Character's Name: Sel Pallanén

Character's Age: 23

Character's Race: Elven

Character's appearance: Slim in appearance and stands just over 6 foot, with thick, light brown hair. often wears a cloak and dark coloured or green combat Armour. Always fights with either a charged longbow, such as crystal or zaryte, or fights off-handed with a longsword and machete.

Preferred class as Soldier: Ranger

RP Experience: relatively new to Rp'ing D:

Jobs: Scout, Ranger, resource gatherer, potentially construction.

Have you followed any Gods? Former Guthix follower, now Godless.

Why are you joining the Godless? I'm an Ex Guthixian and no longer deem the Gods necessary.

Timezone (Optional): GMT

Any extra information: Sel is an elf who was raised by a small group of human sellswords after being abandoned at an early age. he is quiet but pragmatic and sarcastic and will fight for whatever he believes in.

Are you joining clan or guesting? joining :D

21-Jul-2014 20:38:02

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