*A merchant ship traveling along the cost near Rimmington would continue on its normal path. Suddenly, a whistling sound could be heard, and faint explosions in the distance. Suddenly, the medium sized Brig's hull would be breached, and the crew jumping overboard, and its guarding 2 sloops exploded. The fires could be seen for a kilometer or two, and the slowly sinking Merchant ship was approached by another sloop, crowded with looters. The cargo was siphoned from the wreckage onto the sloop, and the small ship sailed away. Once the fog cleared, a small fleet appeared. It consisted of two medium-sized warships, and a large, dominating vessel; containing no less then 70-80 cannons, and on the out-skirts of the fleet sat five sloops. A single cannon-ball was shot on the outskirts of the stone-wall surrounding Rimmington, a clear and obvious message. We. Are. Here.
Since I have yet to talk to Anglia about a possible defense/siege scenario, I thought I may inform you guys since you're defenders of Rimmington. I thought it may be a fun, pleasant rp that we can plan out. Hopefully this can work out nicely so it sparks a bit of rp in southern Asgarnia.
Fizzledork approves of large explosions.
And small explosions.
Chemical reactions in general are appropriate in any situation.
18-Feb-2014 16:09:24