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The Slayer's Fellowship
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The Armoury
Pinned to a wooden door down a corridor with the Fellowship’s headquarters was a piece of paper that seemed to be a handwritten list. At the bottom of the list was a small note, which read:
“Please return all items used to the armoury so they may be reused by other members. If anything is broken, please report to the quartermaster. Good luck.*
The list was made up of all of the equipment in the armoury, which was all stacked on various shelves and in labelled drawers. All one had to do was find what they were looking for, take it, and return it once they were done.
The list was as follows:
- Spiked helmet (2)
- Spiked gauntlets (5)
- Face mask (9)
- Ear muffs (6)
- Mirror shield (3)
- Bug lantern (4)
- Insulated boots (2)
- Broad-tipped bolts (314)
- Broad arrows (212)
- Leaf-bladed sword (2)
- Lead-blade spear (2)
- Nose peg (13)
- Anti-dragonfire shield (3)
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