Due to the fact that Clan MacFirthane is secluded in the mountains, all travellers will still receive guest rite, in spite of the plague.
Malcolm III Chief of Clan MacFirthane | Fiona MacFirthane | Henry Percival Warcastle, Lord Warcastle
07-Aug-2015 20:21:43
- Last edited on
07-Aug-2015 20:26:21
Guillaume I
Aurelia I
Guillaume I
A Declaration of War
To those it concerns,
I hereby declare war upon the knavish Black Knights. Honorable they be, they lack the courage to stand in defense of the weak. No code of honor is equal to good-nature or kind heartedness. Or worth its loss. So with what is left of the MacFirthanes, we will ride to battle with the White Knights of Asgarnia stand with them on the field of battle, and die if need be.
Malcolm MacFirthane of The Clan MacFirthane
Much of the Kinshra/Black Knight people are currently at peace with Asgarnia. There are a few who are not, however. So keep in mind that you will not have Asgarnian support if you attack BK/KA groups who are peaceful.
In fact, you would probably be attacked by Asgarnia too. you should really start checking in about things before posting them, Malcolm.
Oh sorry, I've just been away training for a while. It's hard to keep up on everything. Also, that message is really old...
Malcolm III Chief of Clan MacFirthane | Fiona MacFirthane | Henry Percival Warcastle, Lord Warcastle