Hello friends and perhaps less than friends. Doesn't really matter, I've interacted with *most* people on 42 at least once.
So, as my hopeful last interaction with 42 for a long time before I log in to check to see if my premium members is gone, I'll leave with this thread. And I know it's not going to do anything because people have a tendency to read and have it pass through their brains like air turning to CO2.
The title of the thread is irony for a very clear reason. People talking about toxicity, but yet consistently involve themselves in drama or desire to fuel the fire. You want to talk about toxicity being the problem of 42, but yet you clearly involve yourself in it.
Don't get me wrong, I'm victim of this as well. Much like a safe 98% of the server. If you want to genuinely argue toxicity from one group or the other, one person or the other, shut up. And talk without causing drama. Be humble and grow up.
Nobody cares about your stupid internet accusations or your even more stupid "reputation". Spreading garbage about people doesn't help anyone. Especially when you're trying to pursue chasing someone off a server or harass someone just because they did some dumb shit.
Because you're doing dumb shit as well.
And very little people seem to realize this and instead decide to act like they're tough and important online and news flash, no one cares in the grand scheme of things. Do you genuinely want to roleplay on this game? Do you genuinely want to contribute to the life of this server that most of us grew up on? Stop with the drama. Stop with fueling the fires. Cooperate. And do something productive.
That's about all I have to say. Was a great run, shout out to anyone who's roleplayed with me more than three times. If you want to yell at me then I'm sure you have my Discord. Or you can ask anyone else for my Discord.
01-Oct-2018 06:31:55