This past week and a half has been really rough for me. Through thick and through thin, though, you've been there from me. Making funny sounds in skype, linking me memes and amusing videos are just a couple of the things that you've done for me. To be honest, I'm not really sure how to make up for it, if there's any way to pay a friend back for giving you all the support you need when everything just seems to be going poorly.
I don't know if in a year from now or even in just a couple of months we'll be as good friends as we are right now. Maybe in a couple of weeks from now we'll have a massive argument and stop talking but honestly, I'm not worried. Even if it does happen, I'll always cherish and be extremely grateful for everything that you've done for me. You're a good friend and it doesn't matter if I need someone to real-talk with or someone to bull-**** with, you're there and for however long I need you to pay close attention to whatever dumb thing is holding me down, you shoulder it every time without fail and always make me feel better somehow.
There doesn't seem to be a way to tell a friend exactly how grateful you are for them being there for you, so I hope that this is enough, that if ever I'm out or unavailable and you need me and we can't talk, that you can just read this message and feel better.
If ever we stop talking for whatever reason, you'll always be more than welcome to message me for someone to talk to, no matter how supposedly mad I'd be at you in that worst case scenario.
You're really important to me as a friend and I wish others knew how great you are, how amazing you can be. You have so much potential and so much to offer - you can be and do whatever you want in life and I wish you the utmost happiness and the best of luck in your endeavors.
I am going to break your arm so that the bone juts out and then I will stab you to death with your own insides. I will win this chess game, is what I am saying.
26-Mar-2015 06:09:06