Background Story: Xiara was born to a middle class family in rural Varrock, her parents separated when she was in middle school, and stayed with her dad in Varrock. Xiara built an extremely strong father and daughter bond. She always admired her fathers spirit, who was constantly practicing his swordsman skills and was a man of integrity. One day, Xiara and her father were walking home from school, when a group of gangsters decided to mess with them, and when her father tried to intervene, he was quickly subdued and beat up to critical condition. Xiara could do nothing but watch, and felt extremely powerless.
Xiara had to live with her mom for a while, as her father recovered in the hospital. During this time she discovered her telekinetic abilities, and figured that if she can get strong using her new found abilities, she can stop crime and prevent innocent people from having to experience what she went through. Xiara moved back with her dad many weeks later, and pursued swordsmanship skills and martial arts skills.
When she was 13, she witnessed heroes duking it out in Varrock, Sylar and Mason were some of them, which had extremely powerful telekinetic abilities . Xiara admired them, as she had the same ability ,and figured she can definitely do as good as them, and become a hero one day....
Xiara possesses no forms of enhanced durability ,and is possible to wound. She can be bested in combat, and if her hands are immobilized it takes great difficulty to use her telekinetic abilities.
21-Sep-2017 20:42:11