To the hand of the Supreme Chancellor of the Eastern Triumvirate, Feroze III Khalil Pasha, Grand Vizier of the Ahkranid Caliphate of the Kharid,
I write to you in order to request a meeting for my liege, His Majesty the King of Ardougne, to petition for a meeting for His Majesty with your Tribunal of the Three Crowns. It is no secret that His Majesty is seeking to reclaim his rightful seat, in accordance with the values he represents and in the names of the countless thousands brought under the heel of the Vekonic oppressor.
His Majesty will be very happy and very flexible to discuss terms in accordance with the needs that the Triumvirate may have of him now and in the future, and I'm sure that a reasonable and sturdy accord can be forged.
Please reply to my office, and I am certain that the matter can be addressed without due difficulty.
Yours sincerely,
Richard de Lancey,
Private Secretary to His Majesty the King of Ardougne.
Tom ~ Player of Oliver II, King of Kandarin, Prince of Albamonte, Prince of Camelot, Keeper of the Legacy of Baxtorian and Vanguard of Armadyl.
17-Apr-2016 19:46:10