What is fame?
'42 don't hate me,
'42 don't hate me,
No more.
I don't know, if I roleplay fair,
I give you my ideas, but you don't care,
So who is right,
Who is wrong,
Your world is mine.
What is fame!?
'42 don't hate me,
'42 don't hate me,
No more.
-Ode to a Roleplayer. Much headbobbing included.
I'd say if I'm "famous" in any way whatsoever, it's for my forum presence? People seem to think that anyway. Otherwise, I'm also known as "That guy whose clan must die because they're succeeding in taking over Misthalin." XD
Honestly, you folks tell me if anything what I'm best known for. *shrug*
09-Aug-2012 19:30:59