
•(†)• Asgarnia •(†)•

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Dec Member 2011


Posts: 55 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Name: Sora Helm-Rift
Religion: None
Occupation: Entrepreneur
Location: Rimmington

Business: Shipping and Jewelry Company
Business Owner: Helm-Rift Family
Business Name: Take the Helm Shipping, Helm-Rift Fine Jewelry
Location and Building: Port Sarim Docks, Port Sarim
Specialities: Rapid Transit of all goods (we don't ask questions) and hand-crafted timeless jewelry

Summary: Born of Nobility, Sora and her family moved from the Kingdom of Kandarin, to Rimmington, and setting up their family businesses in nearby Port Sarim. Sora's parents often did business with the kings and queens and nobles of the surrounding areas. During their travels Sora would normally venture with her parents then spending a lot of time within Varrock's Museum and Library, fascinated by books and history. With making friends in Lumbridge, or bothering the White Knights in Falador, Sora never grew bored.

In her teens, Sora wanted to learn magic, just some basics to keep herself occupied besides being buried within books. Her parents pleased, sought out great mages to teach her the basics, seeking talent from Lunar Isle, Al Kharid, and a little more unorthodox form of mage from Canifis.

At the age of 25 her mother fell ill of a rare disease and passed in the spring. With her mother gone Sora decided to use the money her mother left her and buy a store in Port Sarim, and start the Jewelry store her mother dreamed of opening one day, with the family running the shipping business near by it was an ideal location to be successful, and it was.

Currently, Sora continues to run the store and now is the overseer of the shipping business. One day however a small package came in on a ship, addressed to Sora, not unusual gifts are common for the excellent service, however upon opening, a gem, cold as ice was within, she thought it was beautiful and kept it, making it a show piece within her store, little does she know the power it contains, but she finds out real quick.

08-May-2018 00:30:18 - Last edited on 08-May-2018 00:34:56 by Toxilicus



Posts: 298 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Name: Maximillian Heidu
Age: 20
Race: Human
Religion: Saradominist
Occupation: Adventurer
Location: Falador
A little summary of your character:
The youngest of 6 elder siblings, Max was raised in a warrior's home. Both parents served in Falador's Guard Force, they themselves traveling adventurers on sperate paths. Their crossing paths involved a bat, goblins, and cabbages; ever since the due traveled together, and soon after fell in love. Settling in the city which coincidentally was where they were born: Falador. Garrisoned to the Southern Wall, with their home and children close nearby.

Maximillian; the youngest of four sisters and two brothers. Born to a pair of Middle-Aged parents, two of his oldest siblings already began their journey into an adventurer's adulthood. Two more of his older siblings nearing their /time/ as well. From an early age, it was made a point that he would learn how to read, write, and understand Arithmetic. The home nearest the Heidus yielded similarly a smaller family, but their Father was a scholarly individual and the mother a brain dead idiot. Rather than spend large quantities on a private tutor, the Heidu's spent a good 8th of their combined salary on lessons for Max. The boy grasped the concepts of reading the fastest, writing next and arithmetic proved his most difficult. His parents felt they didn't do their other children justice by providing them education other than what few books lie about the house. Their goal was for young Max to train his mind before they trained his body.

His literary skills were focused on the scriptures and teachings of Saradomin; of course his parents "believed", but did they believe as Maximillian believed? Perhaps not. His devotion to his God led him to hone his creativity, writing up poems of deep passion of his love for Saradomin. At first he felt the calling to become a White Knight, but soon this dream faded. As Max reached his early teenage years--

04-Jun-2018 02:16:30



Posts: 298 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

--he felt the calling to adventure, like his parents before him. He was offered the option of choosing which of his parents to follow: His father carried himself a strong warrior, his coat of arms heavy, rustic and spoke of harder days, his weapon of choice: the sword and shield. His mother carried herself a sharpshooter, her retired leathers hung like his father's in the parlor room. A finely crafted light leather, fortified with chainmail at the breast, thighs and neck. Max chose his father's route. He wasn't burly at all, an effeminate boy; soft face coupled with soft features he seemed the archer build, but the thought never entertained him. He wanted to be like his father.

And so the training began upon entering adolescence and finished on exiting adolescence. His body wasn't one for stacking muscle, most of his weight residing in his lower hips and lower body. An incredible sight although, he had the strength to lift his father's longsword and shield with ease: power of the mind? Or perhaps the massive quantities of pushups he did in his spare time. His remaining two brothers exited on their own a year prior. Their dreams of adventuring laying in Kandarin. Refurbishing his father's coat and arms costed his parents a good half of their combined salary, but it proved all the worth. Max left his home at the age of 19, he travels the paths along Misthalin and Asgarnia; recently returning to Falador with a good amount of coinage in his pocket. He was a fine warrior, and earned his keep by fighting the local authority's problems: Highwaymen, Thieves, Pirates, the occasional Goblin. He always found other adventurers with him on his journeys, never alone in combat. He lives in the upper story of the Smithy in Falador, paying rent and learning a trade. He continues to write his fellow adventurers met along his year of journeying, family as well. By no means is he stationary, he may live there, but he travels beyond the City's Gates at times.

04-Jun-2018 02:34:40

Oct Member 2012


Posts: 6,003 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Name: Auron Yngmar
Age: 27
Race: Human
Religion: Saradominist
Occupation: Blacksmith
Location: Within east Falador

A little summary of your character: Originally part of a tag-team, Auron was the upbeat outgoing opposite to his partner Kenna's reserved asociality. Is that a word? Auron made it up, then. A rift formed between them, however, and he found himself quite alone. Loneliness and an over-devotion to his trade has been slowly turning him a bit more grumpy, and more towards the violence that she discouraged him from. He's very fond of his scorched-black smithy gear, originally just meant to protect him from stray sparks, but over time it was conditioned to take more punishment just from the heat of his breath. Oh, did I forget to mention that? He's a spellslinger, and has developed a fire breath, mixing air and fire magic. Because of this he can be quite handy as a mobile, human forge.

RiDaku - Auron Yngmar - Blacksmith

• Guild/Business •
Guild Master/Business Owner: Auron Yngmar
Guild/Business Name: Bellow's Breath Smithy
Location and Building: Forge house, southeast building in the Square
Specialities: Metalworking, fire magic, and he can yell very big.

Bellow's Breath Smithy - Forgehouse (Southeast building), Falador Square
The Sicarius |
They think they are "the many", and I "the few". They think this gives them the right to walk over me.

Want to Role-Play? Click Here!

15-Jun-2018 01:19:11

Aurelia I
Aug Member 2021

Aurelia I

Posts: 911 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Seven men ventured out into a cold, damp night, each carrying nothing but the clothes on their back and a letter hidden inside the handle of a dagger. Strangers, none knew the other, but were united only by the sum they had been paid for their silence and obedience. The seven letters were addressed to James Grey I, Thalia Renderra, Logan Stasov, Aranitus Corvus Adair, Christopher Aren, Anastasia Grey, and Salvar Del'Vair.

If the recepient could not be located or was discovered to be dead, the letter was burned and the dagger left in the place of the persons' last known whereabouts. Should one be received and opened, however...

If you recognize my pen or my stationery, meet me in the Abbey of St. Edward Aren-Grey within the week. I have missed you, my friends, and so has our home. It is time to rise from the ashes.

- Jane

Impressed into the stationery was the image of a grey double-headed eagle holding a sword and a globus cruciger. Above it was a crown, and in the middle lay a shield of blue and grey.
All that for a pile of bricks.

15-Jun-2018 03:46:51 - Last edited on 15-Jun-2018 03:52:21 by Aurelia I

Aurelia I
Aug Member 2021

Aurelia I

Posts: 911 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Citizens of Asgarnia are warmly invited to participate in Mass celebrating our Lord Saradomin, which will take place on the Isle Entrana this weekend. Come forth, feast, enjoy yourselves and bathe in the light of our Lord.

When: Sunday, July 1st at 5pm EST
Where: Entrana Chapel
What to bring: yourself, your friends
All that for a pile of bricks.

28-Jun-2018 21:58:35

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