(Users may Wear a Holy Symbol or Citharede Symbol After Obtaining Neophyte Rank)
Mele: Retro Tired Plate(Blood of Nechryael), Retro Studded Tassets (Blood of Nechryael), H.A.M Gloves, H.A.M Boots, H.A.M Cloak, H.A.M Logo, H.A.M Hood, Steel/Iron Weaponry, Shield of H.A.M or Regular Iron/Steel Shield.
Archers: Retro Rugged Tunic (Blood of Nechryael), Retro Tethered Buckskins (Blood of Nechryael). H.A.M Gloves, H.A.M Boots, H.A.M Cloak, H.A.M Logo, H.A.M Hood, Oak Longbows or personalized Bows are fine/Crossbows. Quivers consist of iron-steel arrows.
Mage: Retro Reinforced Tunic (Blood of Nechryael), Retro Ceremonial Robe Skirt (Blood of Nechryael), H.A.M Gloves, H.A.M Boots, H.A.M Logo, H.A.M Cloak, H.A.M Hood. Staff individual to the user.