‘¸______ ¸‹³'ˆ'*•¸ _ Application
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Name - Maximilian Praven
Age - 19
Race - Full-Blood Human
Religion - Godless
Place of Birth - Varrock.
Applying as Student. - Learning how to properly fight with a Sword and Shield combo, secondary Melee techniques would be nice as well.
Brief History - Maximilian was born into a small family, living in a quaint little home not far from Varrock. Ever since he was a little boy, he worked the fields, becoming lean and strong for his young age. He lived this happy and simple, yet slightly dull lifestyle until he was about the age of fourteen. He always dreamt of doing something more exciting; anything from adventuring, to joining the army, to hunting Trolls. (Character still in development, I'll write a better biography later on.)
Joining the CC - Yeah, sure.
30-Jul-2015 10:12:39