‘¸_____ ¸‹³'ˆ'*•¸ Application of the Grey
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Name: Ching Chong Nguyen
Age: 37
Race: Human(Eastern)
Religion: Chinese
Place of Birth: Laotaopa**haowaogao, Bing Bong, which is in the East.
Applying For: Instructor of duh Two Handed Weapons(Melee), bic boi.
Brief History: Ching Chong and his brother, Chong Ching, were born in the United Kingdom of Bing Bong and Bong Bing, grew up in poverty, and became the Greatest Warriors in duh Eastahn Rands. They bravely entered the fray in the Battle of Lumbridge, immediately upon landing in Port Sarim. They slaughtered countless, Saradominist and Zamorakian alike, for days on end before Ching Chong lost his katana, which he had received as a gift from a blacksmith that he saved from the dreaded HeShe of Laotaopa**haowaogao. He still searches for his lost blade, the best in his homeland, whenever he isn't doing some sort of work. He and his brother separated, for a reason that I sort of don't know. As a result, he is currently alone.
Joining the CC?
What if I say no? You gon' kill me mayne?
Please accept my silliness? <3?
15-Apr-2015 04:04:44