Wardens of Ma'at
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General Information
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Welcome to the official thread of the Wardens of Ma'at, a desert-based Order of Necromancers. Unlike the usual Necromancers, the Wardens make use of an ancient type of necromancy that can be used to act in the interest of the dead, rather than against them. Instead of ripping a soul from the afterlife to serve them, the Wardens can contact the dead and temporarily recruit the knowledge and power of the dead to aid them in battle.
Whilst working in Ichtlarin's best interests, with philosophies sometimes alligning to those of both Guthix and Saradomin, the Wardens aren't necessarily bound to a God.
Since discovering the magic, Carex has been doing his best to rebuild the old Wardens to fight other necromancers as well as other disruptors of balance. Roleplays will be built around rebuilding the Order and its various assets, teaching and learning the Order's magic, and battling disruptors of balance.
Leader (IC): High Warden Carex
Leaders (OOC): Drakan, Lord of Time
Symbol: An Ankh
Friends' Chat: Drakan
Discord: TBA
The spear only brushed my earlobe.
10-Jun-2017 19:23:02
- Last edited on
10-Jun-2017 21:05:19