The following is sent across the globe, to all, some would reach Karamja.
The Gray Order
“The world is not the same as it once was, no, not nearly; the Gods have returned to wage war on each other, not caring that their faithful subjects have been caught in the crossfire. It is long past time that men and their elven counter-parts come together to protect man, to bring an end to the tyrannical actions of certain rulers, to protect man from the inhumane punishments of those unfair Godly beings, and from the punishments of those that would call themselves Gods, perched upon their gilded thrones, unwilling or incapable of taking care of their own people.
There must be change.
The Gray Order calls upon you to stand against those that would erect walls between their nations, we must destroy these political boundaries and unite under a common cause so that we, as people of Gielinor, can unite against the unfair treatment of our fellow men by the hands of treacherous tyrants such as James Craven who believes himself a God placed behind his legions of Karamjan soldiers, legions of your fellow men forced to bend the knee to a tyrant or face death.
"Give us your tired, your poor,enslaved man,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
Release them to us or they will be released upon you.
Grand Master of the Gray Order
Forever Watchful."