As the day carried on, troops began mounting up thicker positions along the whole of the isle, extra guardsmen emplacing themselves at the docks. Siege-defense weapons and ocean defense utilities began to be set up. Any unknown person entering the isle would require passage of various checks before they would be permitted to traverse the isle freely.
The navy began to liven up, ships carried more seamen than they had before and a detachment of around
Two-hundred and fourty
various ships began to prepare for an expeditionary event. It was no doubt that something was to happen in the near future. Only time may permit further updates now. The high-count of remaining ships took up defensive positions along all ends of the isle.
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War horns would sound through the jungles of Karamja, Troop movements visable in the brush, trees seen collapsing around the edges of the jungle, sentries posted at the edges, small towers erected along the makeshift wall of trees, watching the sea. Sea trolls where sighting walking from the water up the beach to the jungle, and back, the clusters of them visable patrolling around Karamja's seaward perimeter under the blue.
Good maps make good plans
22-Jun-2015 02:12:24
- Last edited on
22-Jun-2015 02:42:39
John McAfee