Results of the First Election of the Great Khan
The first session of the Imperial Diet of the Great Khanate was held today, with all but the Khan of Goshima present. The final item on the agenda of this first session was the first election of the Great Khan, where quickly two candidates emerged from the nomination stage of the event:
, Khan of Waiko, nominated by Hymi Khatun of Tuai Leit,
, Khan of Whale's Maw, nominated by Amishi Khan of Cyclosis
The voting stage begins with those in favor of Altangei were tallied first. He received two votes, one from himself and the other from Hymi Khatun. Votes in favor of Akamori were tallied next, receiving Amishi Khan's vote. Akamori votes in his own favor.
With a tie between the two candidates, Kiba Khan of Aminishi was to be the deciding vote. A coin toss was to decide his vote while the Khan of Goshima's absence from the session was declared as abstention from the election; Altangei calls for heads in his favor...
...It lands on tails, deciding that Akamori Khan would be the 1st Great Khan!
The two candidates shook hands and the assembly of Khans congratulate the new Great Khan, Akamori Khan of Whale's Maw. Following the election, the session was adjourned.
Hi, I'm Dan.
02-Dec-2018 21:03:15