Lore is a guideline for us as RPers to use, not a strict code and set of rules to abide by. That being said, being sure to follow certain elements of lore is important to maintain the fantasy of the setting, which I think is important.
New elements should serve to enhance the RP experience for those involved in the RP. There should be "limits" in the sense that one shouldn't deviate too heavily from the very baseline of RuneScape's lore.
An exception to this would be, IMO, if the community at large decided to change/ignore a more or less "vital" piece of lore to better the experience of RP. At the end of the day, RP is
, and should enough people feel it reasonable to make changes, then so be it. I think a hard limit would be related to changing the progression of RuneScape's lore on a scale like powerplaying Gods or something of the like.
Axel Vekon, the Eternal Emperor, the Archmage, the Lichslayer, of the Holy Kandarin Empire.