In defence of Pyro (hooo boy, that doesn't happen often - at least where lore accuracy is pertinent),
Unicorns live in the Wilderness. Chaos Dwarves - which are still, biologically, dwarves - live in the Wilderness. Humans, rats, grizzly bears, spiders, giants, wyrms, goblins, and dragons live in Forinthry/the Wilderness. It's not just Zamorakian abominations sauntering about. The coasts still offer edible fish from various tiers of the food chain. Humans at some point after the Edicts of Guthix settled in small farming communities. A plethora of human groups that *aren't* implied cannibals live here: Dark Knights, Black Knights, Rogues, Bandits, Magi. There are even areas where verdant, fertile grass grows (albeit very little).
It's clearly hospitable. Now, I do believe any large, complex society would eek by a cruel existence. The resources are obviously stretched thin. But then we've seen large societies manage to come from the most inhospitable of places in the real world.
As one of the scant few other players who led a large group in the depths of the Wilderness, I strongly believe it is possible for decently large communities to thrive here; just, well, ones who were raised in it and understand the ebb and flow of life and resources in the ruins of the north. I don't think some southron born, cushy Asgarnians or Kandars or Misthalinians could decide to head north one day and make a thriving community. Their subsistence practices are far too destructive and reliant on good farmland to cope well with Forinthry's more unforgiving climate.
Native born cities/empires, however? I dig it. I did dig it - Worshippers were bands of natives (much like the Wilderness Warbands) who became absorbed as bigger and more complex bands formed. Not so different from the roving Mongolians, their hierarchies, mobility, and understanding of their environment allowed even a large, complex settlement like Daemonheim to exist.
...Now, what am I doing here? I don't know.
25-Apr-2017 00:56:17