The Library
Wizards of the Tower are more than welcome to write their own books and place them in the Tower Library for other students to read. If you do so, please post on this thread or shoot me a PM of the book's title and what character of yours wrote it.
The Dangers of Necromancy: The Story of Alexander Aerendyl - By Aaron Lansing & Lucas Elysian (With contributions from Magus Concendo)
101 Ways to Impress your Mates with Magic
So you Think you're a Mage? Volume 28
The Life and Times of a Thingummywut, by Traiborn the Wizard
How to Become the Ultimate Wizard of the Universe
Living with a Wizard Husband - a Housewife's Story
Principles of Arcane Engineering, by Arthur Ironarm
The Lightning Lord, by M'Galset Kirl
Tome of Reversal, by Tesla Aren
Rocky Fixtures: Geomancy Explained, by Jacob Aren
Gusts and Tempests: Aeromancy Explained, by Fredrick Aren
The Torched Embers: Pyromancy Explained, by Marcus Aren
As the Tide Rolls: Aquamancy Explained, by Kendrick Aren
Seeds, Magic and You, by Gregory Aren
The Art of Summoning, by Aranitus Aren
A Guide To Demons by Elyspis Aren
101 Ways To Defeat A Jinn by Elyspis Are*
When A Succubus Attacks: Vol. I by Elyspis Are*
When An Incubus Attacks: Vol. II by Elyspis Aren
A Dream of Moons and Stars: a Treatise on the Astral Rune by Sir Corus Bolton
Crossing the Triangle of Flames; a History of Demonic Folklore in Asgarnia by Sir Corus Bolton
"Hubris: A Collection of Magus Concendo Memoirs"
Highlights include;
"If You Take a Worshipper to a Meeting"
"No, We Won't Join Your Magic Society"
"It's Not Looting Illegal If It Goes In a Museum"
"Melting Dragon Metal, A Guide"
Hi, I'm Dan.
29-Aug-2016 01:45:42
- Last edited on
30-Aug-2016 12:16:37