It was a joke, tbh. I knew he was gonna post it and egged him on to do it because I knew it'd be funny. My messages look angry but they were actually meant to be funny bc we talk shit to each-other.
Scene: Exterior: London downtown, evening, slight rainfall coming in. appartment, Red awning
Zoom towards door; reads: 221 Baker st
Cut to: Interior, apartment, green wallpaper, slowly burning fireplace, paper and notes cover the surfaces. Small kitchen off to one side.
Cut to: Man, sitting on a chair near the fire. Tall, english, looks like an otter or maybe Doctor Strange. He's texting on a phone intensely.
Door opens, man enters; short, english, looks like a hobbit or maybe Arthur Dent.
Man who entered speaks, looking at the man on the chair:
"Come on, we've got a case"
The man on the chair does not look up, but responds. His voice is monotone.
"The one about forum? already solved it."
Cut to: The shorter man. He has a look on his face that appears to be not surprised.
"From that chair, you've already solved it?"
The otter responds, still not looking up.
"Course I have"
Arthur Dent responds quickly, echoing his friend.
"Course you have."
He thinks for a moment, looking like an old, squishy apple.
"So what happened then?"
The sound of a text being sent is heard, and Doctor Strange looks up at the hobbit.
"Ridaku was just posting a joke, the community overreacted. Really quite simple, actually."
The hobbit opened his mouth to say something, but didn't. The otter spoke again.
"Do you want to know how I solved it?"
Exit: The hobbit, who spoke as he left
The otter sat there quietly,
Draw fade to: Outside window
Play title music.