
The Pingvinov Union

Quick find code: 237-238-385-66001967

Lady Airlea
Mar Member 2011

Lady Airlea

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Soyuz pingvinov Aysburgskoy

Long, long ago, before the second Great war between the world powers the Sicarius, Kandarin, and the White Knights, a revolution hit the shores of the Cold, cold North.

Pescaling Pax was no more. The Tzarists were expelled from Palingrad, that great city of the Pingvinov. And so the Pingvinov rebellion rose, to many a cries of the oppressed.

The KGP was refounded in the name of this new union, who sat and brooded. As the Salve Barrier fell three times, as Kandarin had two genocides, and as Asgarnia's throne changed hands in a matter of weeks, the Pingvinov stood stoic, waiting, and watching.

They watch no more. Now the Pinginov March.

Will you join the revolution? Or will you cower behind your walls, Monarchist?
The One True Nat

01-Apr-2018 13:42:00 - Last edited on 01-Apr-2018 13:50:01 by Lady Airlea

Lady Airlea
Mar Member 2011

Lady Airlea

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OOC Info

Well met, Comrade! Welcome to the Pingvinov!

Prepare yourself to be spoiled by the delights of our region, including Vodka stirred with cod fish! And Sea Animal headwear! And a total seizure of the means of production!

What are the Pingvinov, exactly? Simply put, we are the Penguin Union!

Gone are the days of Player Owned Kingdoms, Role-Playing Hubs, or even freelance roleplay. In are the days of a Player Owned Union! Enough of this monarchist and capitalist drivel!

You might say the more Freelance the Roleplay, the Freer the People. You might like owning stuff. No more!

Under the Pingvinov revolution, all will be stripped of decadence, and all will be given the same. Aside from the ruling class, of course. We do need to be diplomats, and the Common lifestyle glory of the working class' blood, sweat, and tears, is too powerful for them.

Some may argue that we take the other extreme end of a broken system, to make a broken system. To those, we say do svidaniya. We will have no moderates in our Union!

Where do we roleplay? Well, our capital may be Palingrad, and our main operations may be the Iceburg, but the KGP is everywhere. In your zoos. On your farms. In your very court, with elaborate disguise.

We can also roleplay any time. Given our time travel technology, KGP have not only been anywhere, but can be there anytime, including times you were roleplaying.
The One True Nat

01-Apr-2018 13:47:16 - Last edited on 01-Apr-2018 14:02:29 by Lady Airlea

Lady Airlea
Mar Member 2011

Lady Airlea

Posts: 5,379 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Page 1

1 - Introduction
2 - OOC Info
3 - Contents
4 - Rules
5 - Application
6 - Diplomacy
7 - Weather
8 - Roster
9 - Spy Logs
10 - National Anthem

Page 2

1 - You may now post.
The One True Nat

01-Apr-2018 13:47:25 - Last edited on 01-Apr-2018 15:13:36 by Lady Airlea

Lady Airlea
Mar Member 2011

Lady Airlea

Posts: 5,379 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

1. You will share your wealth of Cod and Vodka, or our cocktail of choice, Codka, equally.

2. You will not harrass the Capitalist Pig-Dogs. Or the Capitalist humans. Or the Capitalist Pigs and Dogs. Just because they are wrong, does not mean you have to make them feel sensitive.

3. We accept humans and Pigs and all species into our union, though the Pingvinov come first and foremost.

4. The man with the Straw hair is our pawn. Do not push his buttons.
The One True Nat

01-Apr-2018 13:47:25 - Last edited on 01-Apr-2018 14:15:07 by Lady Airlea

Lady Airlea
Mar Member 2011

Lady Airlea

Posts: 5,379 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

How do we fare to other countries? Well...

...Asgarnia - We have successfully infiltrated it to the top. King Vallance is long dead, but the KGP has made a convincing Vallance suit, to rule the country. Nobody the wiser, aside from Saradomin's suspicions.

...Misthalin - We are in the process of infiltration, though Farmer Fred is wising up slowly to the Sheep suit ruse. Our attempts to wake up the Sheeple have so far, been deemed a failure.

...Kandarin - Comrade Comrade has done well infiltrating the home of Rexotic Silversmith.
However, the set-backs by Larry, the Human, the World Guardian, and the PBJ have considerably slowed our takeover.

...The Baconist Insurrection - With the Death of the Old Major, Snowball and Napoleon fight.
We are throwing our support behind Napoleon, rather than the Snowballist drivel that weakens our great structure!

...Ape Atoll - The Filthy Monkey-Monarchists have evaded our spies for too long. New plans are under way.

...Wushanko - Our newfound bases are growing wonderfully. Soon we shall have established glory for the Working Class in the East! Though the PBJ continues trying to fight openly, we stay in the shadows.
The One True Nat

01-Apr-2018 13:47:25 - Last edited on 01-Apr-2018 14:26:43 by Lady Airlea

Lady Airlea
Mar Member 2011

Lady Airlea

Posts: 5,379 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

It is a very warm -28 degrees. It is still possible to boil water, and you may find it refreshing to open the windows of your igloos for the fresh air. The skies are relatively clear, making for great cod fishing, among other types.

It's also mating season! Do not be a loner like Private Grapes, and start flirting with Wushanko Drawings! No, go out and repopulate our great, grand country!
The One True Nat

01-Apr-2018 13:47:26 - Last edited on 01-Apr-2018 14:30:34 by Lady Airlea

Lady Airlea
Mar Member 2011

Lady Airlea

Posts: 5,379 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

The Honourable President for Life, Pladimir Pingin

KGP Leader Supreme, the Shadow Realm Penguin.

Head of the Military, Tatiana Tankikov

Minister of Music, Ping Marrin and Tommy Pong

Minister of Foreign Culture, Grape-Kun

Minister of Propaganda, Ria Renderra

Project Titan, The Collection of Penguins known as Evilemon

Head Chef, Rordon Gamsay
The One True Nat

01-Apr-2018 13:47:26 - Last edited on 01-Apr-2018 16:37:37 by Lady Airlea

Lady Airlea
Mar Member 2011

Lady Airlea

Posts: 5,379 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Spying Logs

The KGP has successfully Located the Vekon of Kandarin, in the middle of chopping Ivy for Elves.

The Capitalist Grand Exchange has now done business dealings with the one called Ridaku. Comrade Plinko and Plonko confirm the Ridaku has learned to diguise himself as many eggs. Truly, a dizzying intellect.

The Knight Theodore of Falador has slipped from our grasp in Taverley, replacing himself with a Drunken Dwarf. ...A slippery fellow.

Knight Theodore will no longer trouble us.
The One True Nat

01-Apr-2018 13:47:26 - Last edited on 01-Apr-2018 16:33:48 by Lady Airlea

Lady Airlea
Mar Member 2011

Lady Airlea

Posts: 5,379 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
National Anthem

Pa Pa Pescaling
Lover of the Penguin queen
We put some poison into his wine

Pa Pa Pescaling
Iceburg's greatest love machine
He drank it all and said, I feel fine

Pa Pa Pescaling
Lover of the Penguin queen
We didn't quit, we wanted his head

Pa Pa Pescaling
Iceburg's greatest love machine
And so we shot him 'til he was dead

Oh, those Penguins...
The One True Nat

01-Apr-2018 13:47:26 - Last edited on 01-Apr-2018 14:52:22 by Lady Airlea

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