{```°·.¸¸¸.·°```°·.¸¸¸.·°```°·.¸¸¸.· † The Cards † ·.¸¸¸.·°´´´°·.¸¸¸.·°´´´°·.¸¸¸.·°´´´}
Positions held by characters are subject to change based on In-Character events!
The Dealer
- Unknown
King - Briar - Jack
Queen -
Jack -
Ten - Harkle Bidderdoo - Grey
Nine - Senya - Michelle
Eight - Apollo - Talonser
Seven - Vaughn Johns - Kieran
Six -
Five -
Four -
Three -
Two -
Ace - Taniel 'Keg' Acton - Magnus
King -
Queen -
Jack -
Ten -
Nine -
Eight -
Seven - Sid Dorluphio - Shane
Six -
Five -
Four -
Three -
Two -
Ace - Bulmer Hobs - Conor
{```°·.¸¸¸.·°```°·.¸¸¸.·°```°·.¸¸¸.· † The Cards † ·.¸¸¸.·°´´´°·.¸¸¸.·°´´´°·.¸¸¸.·°´´´}
King -
Queen -
Jack -
Ten - Lilly Marie Prescott - Of Atlantis
Nine - Marco Cartenza - Harry
Eight -
Seven -
Six -
Five -
Four -
Three -
Two - Talvar Heryn - Magnickicent
Ace - Athon Blackborne - Mike
King -
Queen -
Jack -
Ten -
Nine -
Eight -
Seven -
Six -
Five -
Four -
Three -
Two -
Ace - Barry 'Big Dave' Bronson - Finn
It's common practice upon completion of a job for a trophy or a souvenir to be taken. Most of these will be displayed in The Iron Imp, usually for the trophy-taker to have an excuse to retell the story for the third time that week!
(For any trophies to be displayed, send me a message!)