
House Pyro

Quick find code: 237-238-222-65981983

Lord Pyro I
Nov Member 2018

Lord Pyro I

Posts: 4,255 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

By rights the strongest and most highly regarded of all the Zamorakian Noble Houses. Its founder has been around since the 2nd Age, winning personal glory in countless battles throughout the 2nd, 3rd and 4th ages before forming House Pyro. At highest prominence during the late 5th age (when its supporters together held a vast empire) House Pyro continues to be a prominent force globally, particular in the Kingdoms it sees itself as having a claim to such as Forinthry and Asgarnia. House Pyro’s power stems from the magical power it holds, an odd paradox as it is both more powerful in and less renown with magic than several other Houses.

Lord: Lord Pyro
Seat of Power: Zamorak’s Union HQ
Sigil: A symbol of Zamorak in a circle of fire
Words: We Wield Defiance
"The greatest endeavors are achieved because of their selfless intent"

19-Jan-2018 21:00:07

Lord Pyro I
Nov Member 2018

Lord Pyro I

Posts: 4,255 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

1.1 Intro
1.2 Contents
1.3 Rules
1.4 Members
1.5 Applications
1.6 The Vault
1.7 The Dark Vault
1.8-1.10 Reserved
"The greatest endeavors are achieved because of their selfless intent"

19-Jan-2018 21:00:17 - Last edited on 19-Jan-2018 21:02:44 by Lord Pyro I

Lord Pyro I
Nov Member 2018

Lord Pyro I

Posts: 4,255 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

-OOC Rules-

1.Obey ALL Jagex Rules
2.No Godmodding, Autohitting, Metagaming, Lorebreaking or Powerplaying
3.If you have taken on the role of an existing character the head of the house will have final say on any changes made to that character (Just a safeguard to keep the characters true to their original versions)
"The greatest endeavors are achieved because of their selfless intent"

19-Jan-2018 21:00:33 - Last edited on 19-Jan-2018 21:05:46 by Lord Pyro I

Lord Pyro I
Nov Member 2018

Lord Pyro I

Posts: 4,255 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Members of House Pyro

Key Members

- Lord Pyro (Lord Pyro I) - Leige Lord - First of his Name, King of the Kingdom of Zamorak, Commander of Zamorak’s Union, First Zamorakian, Rightful King of Asgarnia, Lord Regent of Forinthry, Scourge of the North, The Kingslayer, The Deathless, The Dark Lord of the White City
- King Matthew (Fataltwisted) - Son of Lord Pyro - King of Forinthry
- Prince Jacob (Available) - Son of King Matthew - Prince of Forinthry
- Cody Grimlok(Cody Grimlok) - Acknowledged brother of Lord Pyro - Lord of the Undercities and Pharoh of Menaphos

Significant Members

-Princess Scarlet, Scar (SaeWhen) - Daughter of Lord Pyro - Eldest Sibling - Missing 1,000 years (est)
- Princess Crimson (DarkBlossom) - Adopted Daughter of Lord Pyro
- Andras Telemmaite - (Available) - Ward of Lord Pyro
- Danny Steel (Lord Pyro I) - Personal Servant of Lord Pyro and Khan of the Feron Isles

Notable Mentions

- Commander Fury (Dark Fury) - Honorary Member
- Draka Blaen (Draka Blaen) - Honorary Member
- Red (RedToxon) - Friend of House Pyro

*Positions marked as available are available to be claimed by new players as long as they abide by rule 3.
"The greatest endeavors are achieved because of their selfless intent"

19-Jan-2018 21:00:46 - Last edited on 13-Sep-2019 22:28:19 by Lord Pyro I

Lord Pyro I
Nov Member 2018

Lord Pyro I

Posts: 4,255 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Vault

The Vault of House Pyro is not believed to be underneath their seat of power as is the case for so many Noble Houses. In fact its location is unknown even to most of the members of the House. Parts of the Vault double as storage for Zamorak’s Union, containing the bulk of its wealth and supplies that do not require easy access.

In building the wealth of the Vault, Lord Pyro had a simple philosophy: If it falls into your hands, put it in the vault. This policy has served the House well once it was extended to include the wealth of entire nations that fell under its control. If a Pyro captures a city his first move will usually be to transfer the bulk of the treasury to the Vault for safekeeping as well as a considerable amount of the resources stockpiled or gathered during his rule (allowing a sufficient amount held back to allow the kingdom to be run). This has led to the vast treasure hoard of Lord Pyro becoming the envy of most nations.

The Vault also contains all of Zamorak’s Union’s drones that are currently inactive or in need of repair and Lord Pyro’s private library. The library contains roughly 2,000 volumes on a variety of subjects, mostly commonly magical in nature, by also historical, political, geographic and cultural as well as some noted works of literary fiction.
"The greatest endeavors are achieved because of their selfless intent"

19-Jan-2018 21:01:12 - Last edited on 19-Jan-2018 21:09:56 by Lord Pyro I

Lord Pyro I
Nov Member 2018

Lord Pyro I

Posts: 4,255 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Dark Vault

Beneath the Vault of House Pyro lies a second Vault, entry to which requires written permission from the Lord of House Pyro. The Dark Vault is said to have three main features:

The Archives

A repository of knowledge considered to be “forbidden” by Lord Pyro. Subject to many rumors and speculation the only thing known to be in there for certain is a wall made of carved stone tablets. The tablets are said to be carved with prophesies that Lord Pyro guards carefully and studies religiously.

The Hall of Treasures

A storing place for all of the most valuable artifacts House Pyro has ever acquired. A full list of treasures is not available but is known to include:

- Defiance - Lord Pyro’s own sword (often carried with him) - said to offer incredible power over the element of fire.
- Armour of Zamorak - A set of Zamorak trimmed runite armor awarded to Lord Pyro by Zamorak himself (despite rumors this is usually found in the Vault, the suit Lord Pyro’s actually wears is normally a replica).
-Staff of Pyro - A lava battlestaff, unknown if modified by Pyro, once gifted to Sam Nourom but later reclaimed.
- Hood of Pyro - A red hood - said to hide the wearer from his enemies.
- Blood Amulet - When worn heals owner when owner spills the blood of others.

The Black Cells

13 cells in the heart of the Dark Vault. Purpose of extra security unknown but odd given average prison of Zamorak’s Union already considered to be inescapable. Manifest lists 13 prisoners but if one were able to inspect each cell they might notice that one of the occupants is missing.
"The greatest endeavors are achieved because of their selfless intent"

19-Jan-2018 21:01:25 - Last edited on 19-Jan-2018 21:10:15 by Lord Pyro I

Lord Pyro I
Nov Member 2018

Lord Pyro I

Posts: 4,255 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The History of House Pyro

House Pyro as a formal construct that was granted its own sigil and words is a relatively new concept, a reorganization of the family into a structure intended to ape the great Houses of men despite that usually not being the Mahjarrat way. The history of its founder member, Lord Pyro far predates that of the House he has built but must be told so that the full story can be understood.

Back on the Mahjarrat homeworld, Pyro as he is now known was considered to be a powerful if much disliked member of the tribe. As he grew older his power and experience made him a formidable and respected warrior but rumors of his past kept him apart from the others for many years. During the years of the Zarosian empire he acquitted himself admirably within the ranks of the army and rose to the rank of Legate but only stood as one among many. His most notable feat during that period was the recovery of a strange and powerful sword, wreathed in flames. The Empty Lord inspected this artifact himself and proclaimed it to be of some minor interest and ordered it to be placed in the vault. However Pyro was so taken with the weapon that he used Zaros's disengagement from the day to day affairs of the Empire to secretly place a copy in the vault instead.

Eventually Zamorak would settle on rebellion, approaching many mahjarrat and other powerful beings in their camp and leaving each to decide for themselves if they wanted to join him. The first to approach his tent and confirm his support was Pyro, who was named a Lord by Zamorak in that moment. During the 3rd Age Pyro really began to make a name for himself, his power and skill in battle were coupled by his unusual knowledge of enchantments. this allowed Zamorak to deploy him to the most under threat positions so that he could design defenses to hold back even the most determined aggressor.
"The greatest endeavors are achieved because of their selfless intent"

19-Jan-2018 21:01:57 - Last edited on 15-Sep-2019 09:32:09 by Lord Pyro I

Lord Pyro I
Nov Member 2018

Lord Pyro I

Posts: 4,255 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
History (cont)

His actions during the war won him a place of prominence within the ranks of the Zamorakian Mahjarrat and as the forth age begun he set about running the faction during its first era of peace. He helped to establish several of the Zamorakian groups that formed in this time and actively supported the fragile peace with the Saradominists. In this time he took his first wife, and together they had a baby daughter.

She was still only a small child when the betrayal took place. A fellow zamorakian Mahjarrat, jealous of the status Pyro had achieved hatched a plan intended to either destroy him or weaken him enough to allow a final killing blow. To do so they waited until the time of the next ritual approached and then leaked Pyro's route to the marker to a surviving cult of zarosians known to them. The cultists attacked as hoped and Pyro did not make it to the ritual in time and sensing that it had happened he fled into exile leaving his betrayer unsure as to what had happened to him. Pyro's wife and daughter went missing around this time and his name what scrubbed from all official records.

Pyro spent the next thousand years in exile, learning new skills and finding other means of maintaining his power using the sword he still carried. Little is known of his actions during this period except that he had two sons by another Mahjarrat called Bane and Matthew. During this time he also taught some of the human zamorakian mages until one saw fit to "borrow" his famous sword and then see it disappear after the fall of the old Wizards Tower.

Eventually Pyro chose to make himself known again. Now choosing to only use the name Pyro and to use magical means to hide the true extent of his power he began building a network of Zamorakian allies in secret. He still had to be wary of being discovered by his enemies at this stage but nevertheless Zamorak's Union was born.
"The greatest endeavors are achieved because of their selfless intent"

19-Jan-2018 21:02:02 - Last edited on 15-Sep-2019 09:48:38 by Lord Pyro I

Lord Pyro I
Nov Member 2018

Lord Pyro I

Posts: 4,255 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
History (cont)

Zamorak's Union was in the beginning exactly what it's name suggested, a group of united Zamorakian leaders including Russia Blood, King Aztarwyn, Lord Erus Atrum and countless others. Together they set out on a series of campaigns that effectively led to the complete conquest of Gielinor. The Zamorak Union Vault was established and vast wealth was sent there from all of the conquered territories until Pyro was immensely and indeed absurdly rich. And the Union set it's mind to a superweapon concept, to be built in partnership with the Wizard's Tower.

During this project Louis Pyron, a member of the Tower discovered the existence of a set of blades each of which wielded incredible influence over a different element. He alerted Pyro to this discovery who confirmed having discovered a second such weapon in his years of exile. However when the fire sword was located in the ruins of the old tower both Pyromancers attempted to claim (or reclaim) it for their own in their ultimate quest be be the undisputed best in this field. The sword changed hands several times during this period but ultimately it was recovered by Lord Pyro.

Unfortunately not long after the Empire began to suffer for its meteoric rise to power with an equally rapid fall from grace. When Russia Blood's kingdom collapsed Pyro hoped the situation could be salvaged after he beheaded the new King and his son swiftly afterwards. But as New Haven rose in Asgarnia and other Saradominist forces began to rise with it, inspired into action by their example it became clear that the Empire could no longer survive.

As dionistic lynch mobs started killing zamorakians in the street Lord Pyro began organizing, emergency evacuations. His army led the charge through the underground tunnels to Keldagrim. Once the longclaws guarding it were defeated this city was chosen as the new rally point for their surviving forces.
"The greatest endeavors are achieved because of their selfless intent"

19-Jan-2018 21:02:08 - Last edited on 15-Sep-2019 10:06:43 by Lord Pyro I

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