We all have a love-hate relationship with Kandarin. They are the biggest power our world has ever known and watch over us to a degree. However, they also tend to be tyranical overlords. Recently, I, working as an agent for King Vectis had uncovered a plot against Kandarin. I was sitting in the Blue Moon in when a man approached asking to buy mercenaries for a "War in Kandarin". I was suspicious and when I questioned the man he avoided and gave me no answers. I ended his threat quickly. Finding out the next day that ships flying the Kandarian flag had shelled several cities around the world, I contacted my brother, a member of the Privy Council. He said no-one had authorized the shelling*. I put together the evidence and it became clear the someone was trying to frame Kandarin and turn the nations of Gielinor against them. I in person informed the high-ranking members of the Council and we put together an action plan. I was to pose as a member of the alliance and get all the information I can and then report back. I offered to assassinate my brother for the Rebellion. However, I only cadava-berry poisoned him with his cooperation, and brought him back. Then we sprung the trap. Several agents from Monvallis and Kandarin lept forward and we kill a few Rebellion soldiers. the leader, however, appeared to be a specter. We managed to dispel him with Liquid Fire, however.
The rebellion has the support of the Ryders and several other shadowy groups. If you have any information the Kingdom is paying well. The rebellion appears to be on it's last legs but which is the greater of two evils; a powerful guiding hand that oversteps it's boundaries occasionally, or a violent civilian uprising resulting in the deaths of thousands? Think, people, and help the good people of Monvallis and Ardougne put a stop to this.
20-Jul-2013 13:51:28