Character Name:
Ruby, hopefully soon to be Ruby Praven.
Character Info:
Ruby is a (sortof) human girl of (sortof) 22 years of age*, who stands at 5'3 and typically wears red clothing. She favors many combat styles, tending to drift from one to the other. At the moment she's studying ice magic, learning from the resident ice mage of the Guild of Combatants.
Summarized History:
Ruby grew up in the town of Rimmington. A series of events that are too long to fit into this post that can be found on my Combatants' Guild app took place which led to her being absolutely
Ruby, at this point in her life, was obsessed with killing and cannibalism, and for several years she was a serial killer in Falador.
Eventually she found herself having fallen in with the Guild of Combatants, enjoying it there because she could shed blood and not be punished for doing so. However, one day, she was unfortunately killed.
(Warning. The next part tends to rustle a lot of jimmies, but I can assure you that is is 100% sound, lore-wise, as I have tirelessly researched it. If your jimmies rustle easily, don't read on.)
Ruby refused to accept her death, so she escaped Icltharin's ferry to the next life and returned to the world of the living as a ghost. She found some poor girl of weak mental integrity and easily took over her body via possession, and she took up residence in that body. She now lives on in this manner.
One day, Ruby was on Miscellennia and found a group of Pravens. She thought they were interesting so she followed them all the way to Yanille. She ended up accompanying them on an ogre hunt, after having gotten drunk and attracting the attention of Chris. So now, she aims to become a Praven herself, seeing as she needed a new family - one she won't kill and eat like her last one.
* Ruby is human, though she is also spectral. As well, she was sixteen when she died, but her body is twenty-two. So she's younger mentally.